Miracle (s)mile

I remember her when she was my age, even younger, dealing with us three kids. We were a handful and she was a wonderful mother. The best actually. I have such wonderful images of her … cheering me on at a cross country race, sewing together my prom dress, fixing chamomile tea on those cold (I snicker) rainy days in Ft. Lauderdale.

As an adult, she supported me through expensive years of college and then my first years of the workforce. Ah, the work force … I remember her helping me pick out my first blue suit. And I remember my mom teaching me how to use a computer, Wordstar on an Apple iie. There are not many forty somethings who can boast that they learned computers from their parents.

As my mom has suffered through Parkinson’s, what has made me the most sad is to see her lose her smile. She always had this huge smile that was followed by a laugh that you could hear all the way down the hall. And it had seemed be gone lately … and replaced with both severe tremors and a nervousness that never seemed to be really her.

So after the 2 operations and being implanted with a battery, my mom has really made a miraculous rebound. Her tremors are almost gone …. And her wonderful smile has returned. And while I know not everything works quite right, it’s still wonderful to see the improvement. She has some of her life back; her independence regained. I call it the Miracle (s)mile. (Which makes me laugh given how much she loves to shop!)

I thought you would enjoy these pictures. And yes, I love her post surgery hair cut!