It’s 90 degrees with thunderstorms coming up from the south; it has been on the verge of raining for an hour. All I want to do is suck down more Gatorade, I’ve been roasting since 10 am when I pulled my bike under a tree to wait for two hours for my ride to show up. A sliced side wall is never good. The group, 7 men all older than me, continued up the clay red road with the views of the mountains, while I turned downhill to eek out the distance on my bike, back to pavement so I could be easier to retrieve.
The rain finally arrives, big lazy raindrops chase me off my porch, back to a breeze less house. I can hear the air conditioning kick on upstairs.
I crawl to the floor to stretch. I’m not tired even though I’m just shy of when I should go to sleep.
The rain reminds of the afternoon storms that would whirl through Florida every day in the summer. I loved watching clouds form, building all day, until the explosion late in the afternoon. Ah, the smell of rain.
The stress of today seems so far away. 6 am phone calls with a lawyer to go over the absurdities of a business deal. I have often wondered how these bright, educated people can concern themselves with such mundane details.
The highlight of this specific call was to hear a lawyer spew details and action items for a transaction that has been evolving for a year. The opponents are men who are just slimy bastards, I wonder how they sleep at night.
I focus on the rain ... wishing I was out running. Not now, not with the various aches that running now produces. But that of a 16 year old with endless energy, hammering to go faster.
How many time did I run in the rain back then.... clicking through the miles. Not noticing, not enjoying the moment. But just running ... to train to go faster. Little did I know, I was plenty fast enough.
I like that about getting older. I’m no longer out to prove a thing. I chug along .... in whatever sport. Enjoying the beauty of the place .... of the woods, the rivers .... and even the rain. Especially the smell of it.